These Pics are not in order. There just some stuff I've been doin' for the past couple of months.
Camping at Beulah!
Taylor and Baylee loved riding the trails at Carson Hill Ranch.

Sandie and I rode Bryan's ATV along with the girls on their dirtbikes.
This is shot of Bryan's barn and MoHo shed at his old cabin.

Baylee had fun just riding around at the old cabin.
That's the Greenhorn Mountains in the background. We love to sit on Bryan's deck and look at those.
Here I am in KC riding the Little Blue Trail with my nephew, Chaise.
We rode a comfortable fifteen miles. Chaise just kept on "crankin'!
Here's my "Mega" brother, Kendall and my wife Sandie.
Kendall pretty much builds the Mittler Bros. Craftsman race trucks single-handed. They do have a motor builder and get some help "hangin' bodies", but it seems like Kendall is the "Main Man".
On our trip to Branson, I did a Mtn. Bike ride at the Weldon Springs wildlife area.
This place was an ordnance storage facility in the 40's and a nuclear production facility in the 60's.
Now it's a "beautiful thing to work with" with something like 36 lakes.
One of the many ammunition/ ordnance bunkers scattered around Weldon Springs.
Sandie and I traveled to KC for a wedding and college graduation for our niece Mallory.
We finally made it to Branson and loved it.
Crossing this river at the Busiek State Park was a little interesting.
Sandie did a hike while I biked.
In June we packed up the MoHo for a few nights of camping with Baylee and Taylor.
We paddled the kayak on Pueblo Reservoir and rode bicycles on the river trail.
We hiked up on the Mesa and had a great view of the reservoir
We parked the MoHo next to the beach and did some paddling close by.
This is back at Beulah. What a nice place to enjoy a morning cup of "Joe".
We made a stop at Bryan's cabin for snacks.
This is Pic of Pikes Peak that I took while climbing Mt. Blodgett.
Jack Bergman (This years AMA Sportsman of the Year - I hope I have the title right?) is heading back to the Bonneville Salt Flats in August.
He'd love to break his existing speed record out there.
He and I have been spending some time at a Dyno shop trying to squeeze the last ounce of HP out of his Triumph.
I sat on the bike for some of our "runs".
Lot's of noise and vibration.